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Meet the founder

Abra Arlinsky, MC, LPC, LISAC, NCC


Abra Arlinsky is the owner and founder of the Best Self Network. As the founder, it is her responsibility to ensure that the Best Self Network is a quality product for the benefit of all stakeholders.  


Abra is a great supporter of the self-help process and strives to facilitate self-help as a means to wellness and well-being by the process of engaging people in What is Right with Them as a means of living a fulfilling life. She is continually working to expand and elaborate on the approach of supporting inherent strengths in people. 


Abra has accumulated a wealth of experience as a healthcare professional and professor of graduate studies.  Her work has included domestic and international clinical education and training.  She has extensive experience in using the strengths-based approach in her work with successful outcomes. She is committed to supporting people in the process of focusing on What is Right with Them.  The Best Self Network is her passion and a culmination of her life’s work in human services.

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