Shaping Wellness in the Workplace
We are an organization that recognizes the importance of wellness and well-being. We prioritize the concept of Salutogenics, which focuses on meaningfulness, manageability and comprehensibility in life. By promoting and facilitating workplace wellness initiatives, we aim to create a supportive and empowering environment for a positive corporate culture.

Theory of Change
We know that transformation is an inevitable part of our lives and in order to make positive transformation, having a focus on What's Right with You is the biggest factor for successful outcomes. Approaching problems and changes in life with the assumption that we are sick, flawed, or broken sets us up for failure. We assist individuals and groups in the workplace, to identify their own theories of transformation so as to be proactive in any transformational process.
The Best Self Network instills hope, optimism, and resilience by supporting the self-help process of mobilizing our members to recognize and utilize What is Right with Them in all areas of life.